VRA Late Blight

Make a variable dose rate map for a late blight treatment, using a biomass map of the crop (vegetation index NDVI or WDVI), and to convert this map into a task map controlling the site-specific spray volume of the sprayer. This app can be used for a healthy growing crop.

Variable Rate Application Blight

Wageningen Plant Research (WUR)

Contact: Geert Kessel

E-mail: geert.kessel@wur.nl

Website: farmmaps.eu/en/map

Link to appstore:

Price: €20 ex BTW

With the VRA Blight app on Farmmaps you can create task maps for variable dosing of products for late Blight in potatoes, and can be used for a healthy growing crop. The App offers you possibilities to translate information about status and spatial variation in the above-ground biomass of the crop into site-specific minimum-effective doses.

Commonly used measures (indices) for the amount of above-ground biomass are NDVI or WDVI. These indices are a measure of the amount and activity of the above-ground biomass. The lower the index value, the lower the dosage can be. Maps of biomass indices can be obtained via cameras on satellites, or via cameras on drones or sensors on agricultural machines. The most recent satellite image for your fields are available, with the satellite app on Farmmaps. In addition to satellite images, you can also upload your own drone images or data from your sensors on the machine in Farmmaps, and use it in the app to create an application map and a task map.
In a few steps you can choose in the app:

  1. The (satellite) image you want to use
  2. The product you want to use appropriate to the situation and strategy
  3. The settings of the sprayer you want to work with 

As you go through the steps, you will be presented with an application map showing the variation in minimum effective rates within the field. This map is then converted into a task map that represents the site-specific spray volume. This task map can be downloaded as a shape file or in ISO-XML format, and this task map file is then loaded in the terminal that controls the sprayer.